Monthly:July 2011
Hackney Council for Voluntary Services commissioned me to create a visual, written and oral record of the work of 12 of Hackney’s voluntary and community sector (VCS) groups. It was such a moving project to do, the voluntary groups that I met in Hackney were amazing – they exist on next to nothing and make a huge impact and difference to so many people’s lives.
Wood Streeet, E17 is a portrait of one street, it’s shops and shop owners, as it struggles for survival. The project resulted in two solo exhibitions of photographys and oral histories, and a self published book available from The Photographers Gallery.
An ongoing project with 12 other photographers, called Image17, based in Waltham Forest, London. We’ve been working collectively to document and record how people spent their leisure time in the 21st century. This work was exhibited as part of E17 Art Trail 2009 and at 320 Gallery, Bethnal Green.
Going to the Dogs documents the closure of Walthamstow Greyhound Stadium. One of the most loved of the UK’s greyhound tracks. It was one of the areas largest employers. There was a real sense of community there, whole families worked there, and many for generations and the sense of loss was, and still is, enormous. Going to the Dogs was exhibited at Vestry House Museum, London September – November 2009 and Wolverhampton’s Light House in June 2010. There is a […]
The National Portrait Gallery offers Gallery-based workshops and free outreach sessions for vulnerable socially excluded older people in inner and greater London. I was lucky enough to spend a wonderful day with one of their Elders Group as part of their outreach programme.