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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.
Bethany has been volunteering since she was 11 years old. At 16 she began volunteering on a scheme to feed the homeless in Nottingham. At Christmas, she rallies the whole of Clifton via social media, and collects over 100 presents for Nottingham’s homeless. She recently tried to set up a baby bank scheme, where people donated toys and clothes, but found that she received so many donations, she didn’t have the space to store it all. She is continually coming […]
At one time, Mel’s family ran all of the fish and chip shops on the estate. Mel grew up on the estate and went to Farnborough Estate and has many amusing stories from school days – just ask him about the time he faced a Bull in France!
Combat Ju-jitsu is run weekly by charismatic martial arts expert Lucci Del-Gaudio. The sessions, at Highbank Community Centre, are split into child and adult classes, with the youngest attendee I met, being four. The parents I spoke to commented on how much the sport had helped with their children’s self-confidence and self-awareness. Lucci himself has been practising martial arts for 30 years. He is a three times black belt and Martial Arts Hall of Fame winner; three times British […]