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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.

Denise St Aubyn Hubbard

I was very sad to hear that Denise St Aubyn Hubbard had passed away aged 91. This incredible woman lived an inspiring life and I was privileged to photograph her in 2012 as part of my 1948 Olympians project. Denise came to my attention as she was a high diver in the 1948 London Olympics. When myself and fellow photographer, Rachel Poulton, went to photograph her in the spring of 2012, we came away in awe of how much she’d packed […]

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New Exhibition & Publication

WE: The Ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest I have been working, in collaboration, with Lucy Harrison, on a large scale project about the Ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest. The publication for the project has just been sent to print and the events have been announced. The exhibition will take place: 30 May – 15 June, 2014 The Former Warner Rent Office, 2A Rushbrook Crescent (corner of Brettenham Road). London E17 5BZ Opening times: Thursday – Sunday 12-7pm The Warner Estate are […]

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Cul de Sacs & Dead Ends

Today I drove around Arbury & Kingshedges again. Not knowing the area I just drove rather randomly exploring different streets. Every direction I take seems to end in a dead end, it’s really disorientating. They’re all quite different, there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to them so I must look up on a map if there’s any sense of order from a bird eye view. Cul de Sacs were introduced into the UK with a change in the Hampstead […]

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Please respect the copyright in these images and only use them with my permission - thank you. Katherine