

September 7, 2011

Taking Part

As part of photography collective, Image17, Katherine documented community sports groups in Waltham Forest in the run up to London 2012. The project was...

July 12, 2011

Changing Lives

Hackney Council for Voluntary Services commissioned me to create a visual, written and oral record of the work of 12 of Hackney’s voluntary and...

July 12, 2011

Wood Street, E17

Wood Streeet, E17 is a portrait of one street, it’s shops and shop owners, as it struggles for survival. The project resulted in two...

John, President
July 12, 2011


An ongoing project with 12 other photographers, called Image17,  based in Waltham Forest, London. We’ve been working collectively to document and record how people...

July 12, 2011

Going to the Dogs

Going to the Dogs documents the closure of Walthamstow Greyhound Stadium. One of the most loved of the UK’s greyhound tracks. It was one...

July 11, 2011
July 11, 2011

Elders Group

The National Portrait Gallery offers Gallery-based workshops and free outreach sessions for vulnerable socially excluded older people in inner and greater London. I was...

September 1, 2008

Madge Goward, Oral History

The wonderful Madge Goward, who was 94 in 2008 – talking about her 60 years of working at Walthamstow Stadium.

Please respect the copyright in these images and only use them with my permission - thank you. Katherine