I’m delighted to be included in the next exhibition at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool. The exhibition called A Portrait Of… uses portraiture to challenge assumptions that we often hold about people. It’s on from 2 August to 29 September. They are showing 22 of my 1948 Olympians series which documents former athletes in their 70s, 80s and 90s, highlighting the rich lives that older people have lived and encouraging reflection on the stories and experiences that exist in all generations. […]
As part of Image17, I’ve just started a project called We Are Here. It captures Waltham Forest’s ‘Windrush’ residents who came to the UK from the Caribbean from the 1950s to the 1970s. As well as contemporary portraits we are searching for personal family pictures and mementoes to include the borough archives. The project will be shown in full at Vestry House Museum in 2020. Launch at E17 Art Trail 1 – 16 June 2019 The first set of images […]
I’ve been working with Low Hall Nursery School on a wonderful project, called Wonder at 90, about the 90 year history of the nursery. The school was opened by Margaret McMillan in 1929 and this June, celebrates its 90th birthday. Margaret McMillan, along with her sister Rachel McMillan, was a pioneer in early years education. She was also a suffragist and campaigned for free school meals for all children. Newly discovered photographs will be displayed at Low Hall Nursery during […]
As part of Rendezvous Projects, I’ll be working on a project called Sweet Harmony: Radio, Rave and Waltham Forest which will explore the history of music heritage and youth culture during the years 1989-1994. Research is taking place from April to October 2019. The project is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund The project will involve the local community and volunteers, it will include oral history interviews from people who were involved in the scene, photographs, event flyers, video […]
One of my portraits from the current National Portrait Gallery exhibition, Creative Connections, has been selected for the Portrait Salon 2017, group exhibition. Selected by artist Julie Cockburn, the 45 portraits will be exhibited for one night only at Pub on the Park, 19 Martello Street, London, E8 3P on 16 November 2017.
Creative Connections opened at National Portrait Gallery on 4 October 2017 and will run all the way through to 25 February 2018. It’s so lovely to have an exhibition on for a good length of time, you feel like you’re working even when you’re not! For the opening, the Nottingham Contemporary team and Farnborough Academy Students all came down and spent the day in London. For the first part, we had presentations from participants in the lecture theatre, followed by […]
After a year spent working with the lovely people of Clifton Estate, it was heartwarming to see so many people come together for the opening of Creative Connections at Nottingham Contemporary on the 19 July 2017. It had been a difficult project, with my father being in intensive care for months during part of it, and I can’t quite believe it all came together so well. I got quite overwhelmed with emotion during my thank you’s! Working with the young people […]
The community centre has been run by George and Julie Bugg for three years. George has played in a Beatles tribute band for years, and since taking over the club, he’s introduced an open mic night. There were such an array of people taking part from the over 80s to under 18s, and some real talent! Such a friendly, welcome and supportive atmosphere, it was so lovely to be able to visit.
This Brownie pack was one of the first groups of any kind to be formed on the estate. The First Clifton Brownies was started by Peggy Towson at St. Francis Church around 1955. It’s now run by Deidre Nall who has been a guider for 33 years. They meet once a week in terms times in the Clifton Village Hall. They do a variety of craft, design and sport activities, and Deidre says that she loves seeing a transformation in […]
Years ago there were many more caged bird societies, now there is just this one for the entire South Notts area with only a handful of members. They organise exhibitions for canaries, budgies, British and foreign birds. They meet monthly and on this occasion the birds were being judged and a winner was to be selected. Birds are presented in identical cages to allow for anonymous judging.