June 1, 2019
We Are Here project
As part of Image17, I’ve just started a project called We Are Here. It captures Waltham Forest’s ‘Windrush’ residents who came to the UK...
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May 16, 2019
Low Hall at 90
I’ve been working with Low Hall Nursery School on a wonderful project, called Wonder at 90, about the 90 year history of the nursery....
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February 5, 2016
Launderettes in the news
Dave Hill wrote a great article in The Guardian recently following the news that the number of launderettes in London has gone down to...
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January 29, 2016
Denise St Aubyn Hubbard
I was very sad to hear that Denise St Aubyn Hubbard had passed away aged 91. This incredible woman lived an inspiring life and...
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May 8, 2014
New Exhibition & Publication
WE: The Ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest I have been working, in collaboration, with Lucy Harrison, on a large scale project about the Ex-Warner...
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© Katherine Green, 2020